School & Parent Report
The Parent Report
Each UKiset test comes with an individual report which is sent to the candidate after completing the test. This is an overview of the candidate’s performance in the reasoning test and the Cambridge Linguaskill English assessment.
The report includes the following information:
The candidate’s standardised scores in each section of the test: Verbal, non-verbal and mathematics. The score is standardised against thousands of British students of the same age, in the state and independent sector.
The National Percentile Ranking (NPR) for each assessment battery. This shows where the candidate would be positioned if 100 randomly selected British students of the same age were assessed and ranked from the lowest score (1st percentile) to the highest (99th).
The Stanine ranking (or Standard Nine) . This is a ranking system based on the NPR – where nine proportional bands (from 1 being the lowest and 9 the highest) rank performance against British candidates of the same age.
Two average scores, with and without the Verbal Reasoning result. This is to prevent that the student’s current English level negatively impacts their overall reasoning score, as most students speak English as their second language. We obtain a separate English score through the Cambridge English Linguaskill assessment.
An English CEFR level and raw score. This is provided as an internationally recognised language level of academic English – known as a CEFR level (Common European Framework for Languages)
The School Report
Schools receive a more comprehensive report for each UKiset candidate. It includes the candidate’s handwritten essay, a detailed breakdown of performance against other students studying in independent schools and grade predictions.
Schools may use this report in a range of different ways:
Provide senior schools with a credible transition document on a prep school student’s future academic potential.
Some schools use UKiset as their standalone entrance assessment. This is more often the case for younger applicants (Years 7-9).
As the first stage of an application for international candidates. Some selective schools use it to filter the most suitable applicants – usually this is because they receive high volumes of applications. These schools may ask successful candidates to complete further school-specific testing.
UKiset is used by schools to get credible information on an applicant’s academic potential.
Monitor a student’s progress and determine the areas in which a student excels, as well as support effectively the areas where a student might struggle.
Assist A-Level students with their UCAS application and look closely at predicted grades.
The School Report consists of the following information:
- The School Profile
- Distinct standardisations for national and independent school cohorts.
- The candidate’s expository essay – written on the day of the test and demonstrating expressive language skill, structured writing skills, and some of the candidate’s own outlooks and opinions.
- Future predicted grades in GCSE, A-Level and IB in a wide range of subjects.
The information provided in the School Reports is only available to UKiset schools following our security protocols.