
How to Have a Successful and Productive Half-Term Break


Half-term is a valuable time for both students and parents to reconnect, recharge, and refocus. By striking the right balance between relaxation, family time, and productivity, you can make this break both enjoyable and meaningful. Here are a few tips to help you support your child during the half-term break.

Create a Flexible Schedule

Help your child plan their half-term by creating a loose schedule that combines study time with downtime. A little structure will help them stay productive without making the break feel too rigid.
Our Expert Tip: Let your child take the lead on their schedule but offer gentle guidance. Use a calendar or family planner to make it visual and fun.

Encourage Short, Focused Study Sessions

If your child has homework or revision, encourage them to work in short bursts rather than long, overwhelming study marathons. This way, they’ll be productive without feeling under pressure.
Our Expert Tip: Our experts advise taking regular breaks between study sessions, typically around 5-10 minutes before moving on to the next task or subject. The Pomodoro technique (25 minutes of work followed by a 5-minute break) is highly effective for keeping students focused and motivated.

Credit: Walhampton School

Get a Head Start with Tuition

Gabbitas Tutoring offers a range of tuition services, including one-to-one or online tutoring sessions, along with personalised practice exercises that can help your child feel prepared and confident. Additionally, our tutors support students with exam preparation for tests such as CAT4, IELTS, UKiset, and Common Entrance Exams like the 11+ or 13+. We also provide general subject tuition, interview practice, and help with the application process.

Enquire about tuition now.

Start with UKiset Prep

If your child is considering entry to a UK independent school, half-term is a great time to begin preparing for the UKiset (UK Independent Schools Entry Test). This test assesses a child’s academic potential and English language proficiency, helping schools understand how your child will perform in their environment. Preparation is key to success, and using the half-term wisely can give your child a strong head start.

You can find more information about UKiset here.

Our UKiset team is here to answer any questions you might have. 

Contact us to learn more.

Set Goals for the New Term

Before the break ends, sit down with your child to reflect on the past term and set goals for the next. Whether it’s academic improvement, better time management, or personal growth, helping them identify their goals will set a positive tone for the rest of the school year.

Our Expert Tip: Make goal-setting a collaborative process. Ask your child what they feel they need to work on and encourage them to express their own ideas. This empowers them to take ownership of their goals, making them more motivated to follow through. While offering support and guidance, allowing them to lead the conversation fosters independence and self-awareness.

At Gabbitas, we help students set clear, actionable goals and create personalised plans to achieve them. Our expert tutors work with students to identify their strengths and areas for growth, ensuring they stay on track for success throughout the school year.

Contact our experts directly to learn how we can support your child’s learning during half-term.

Front Image Credit: Tonbridge School
